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Arts & Creative Industries Subject Guide

This is the subject guide for the School of Arts & Creative Industries

Finding researchers and collaborating

EThOS - Electronic Theses Online Service

  • This service from the British Library aims to offer a 'single point of access' where researchers can access ALL theses produced by UK Higher Education.
  • Download digital and digitised theses is free to the researcher. A small number of participating institutions may not be able to offer Open Access and in this case the researcher may have to pay for the digitisation.
  • Where a thesis must be digitised before supply, you can expect a short delay. However, you will be informed when the thesis is ready for collection and you can then log on to the system and download it.
  • EThOS can only offer the theses of participating institutions.

Edinburgh Napier Repository

  • Our Open Access showcase for the published reseach output of the university.
  • Edinburgh Napier University staff and research students are required to place in the repository, post-refereed, accepted texts of documents being published, together with texts of papers given at conferences; but data sets, programs, images, scores, music, and exhibition catalogues should also be lodged in digital format. 
  • "Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research."
  • Allows you to import PDFs, read, annotate, organise and access them from anywhere
  • Generate bibliographies and citations
  • Collaborate with others and promote your work

Dissertation Express

  • We don't subscribe to this service, but you can still perform searches as an individual, though they are capped at 40 hits.
  • You won't be able to get the full text unless you are willing to pay for it, but you can see titles and institutional affiliations.



  • OAIster is a union catalog of millions of records representing open archive digital resources
  • This link searches OAIster only, but OAIster results are also returned by WorldCat searches
  • The records of the open archive digital resources available via OAIster lead to a wide range of materials and include:
    • Digitized (scanned) books and journal articles
    • Digital text
    • Audio files (wav, mp3)
    • Video files (mp4, QuickTime)
    • Photographic images (jpeg, tiff, gif)
    • Data sets (downloadable statistical information)
    • Theses and research papers

Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR)

  • Tracks the growth of existing open-access archives
  • ROARMAP tracks the growth of institutional self-archiving policies and is an easy way to find institutional repositories.