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Arts & Creative Industries Subject Guide

This is the subject guide for the School of Arts & Creative Industries

Study skills

Our Getting Started pages are designed to give you the basics to get you started in using Edinburgh Napier University's library service. You'll find our library Powerpoint presentation here, and an induction handout with all the key addresses. 

Our Study Skills pages - our collection of resources and sources of advice on study skills.

These resources are particularly relevant to Arts & Creative Industries subjects:

  • Purdue Online Writing Lab  -  The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, provided as a free service of the Writing Lab at Purdue. It doesn't specifically cover writing for film, photography or TV, but other arts subjects are covered.
  • University of Toronto: Advice on Academic Writing  -  essay writing, critical reading, note taking, internet research, plagiarism, style and grammar and much more.

Literature reviewing - the overview

A literature review:

  • Finds existing literature/sources published on a specific topic/to answer a review question.
  • Brings together the literature sources into a single body of literature.
  • Makes comparisons between the different included sources to identify both patterns/similarities and conflicts/differences.

Within healthcare literature reviews are often known as 'evidence synthesis reviews' and usually have specific methods and processes which are detailed in more depth in the section below titled 'Literature reviewing - the process'. This can differ from other field areas so if you have not done a healthcare evidence synthesis review before you may find it very different to previous expectations or experiences.

There are also a number of different types of evidence synthesis reviews within healthcare and the type of review impacts the purpose and methods. The next tab gives more information about different types of review. If you are doing a review as part of an academic assignment then please ensure you follow the requirements and any methods set out in your assignment brief.

Taking a Systematic Approach

Within healthcare evidence synthesis reviews there is an expectation that the approach taken, no matter what type of review is being done, is systematic. Whilst a systematic review is a specific review type, any review type can still take a systematic approach which strengths the quality of the methods, and therefore also strengthens the quality of the findings, write up, and usefulness/applicability of the review.

Comprehensive – attempting to find and include as many relevant sources of literature that meet the review criteria.
Objective – clear aims and objectives, clear eligibility criteria, reduction of selection bias.
Rigorous – conducted to a high level, an effective search strategy, appropriate and relevant critical appraisal of included literature.
Transparent – the write up would allow someone else to follow your methodology to end up with the same set of included literature sources.

In health and social care there are a number of different types of review. The resources below give an outline of the different types and outline the differences between them:

Grant, M. J., & Booth, A. (2009). A typology of reviews: an analysis of 14 review types and associated methodologies. Health Information and Libraries Journal26(2), 91–108. 

Sutton, A., Clowes, M., Preston, L., & Booth, A. (2019). Meeting the review family: exploring review types and associated information retrieval requirements. Health Information and Libraries Journal36(3), 202–222.  

If you are doing a literature review as part of an academic assignment then please ensure you follow the requirements and any methods set out in your assignment brief. You may be advised to do a specific type of review, but when reading the guidance of how to conduct one find that it differs from your assignment brief. If so, discuss this with your supervisor or module leader.

Choosing a Review Type

You need to understand the purpose of different review types and match this up with what you are intending to achieve from carrying out your review in order to select the most appropriate type. You can include this explanation and justification within your write up. As well as the guidance above please see some further resources below to support your decision making.

Munn, Z., Peters, M. D. J., Stern, C., Tufanaru, C., McArthur, A., & Aromataris, E. (2018). Systematic review or scoping review? Guidance for authors when choosing between a systematic or scoping review approach. BMC Medical Research Methodology18(1), 143–143.

Jonkoping University. (n.d.). Which review is right for you?

Right Review. (2024). Right Review Tool.

There are a number of published reporting and conducting guidelines and handbooks to support you in both carrying out and writing up your review. These help to ensure the quality and transparency of your review by ensuring you have included and conducted your review in a way that meets established methodological expectations.

Reporting guidelines give information on what you need to include in the write up of the review. Conducting guidelines provide more methodological guidance on how to carry out and undertake each stage of a review, not just stating what you need to include/report. When using these they need to be cited and referenced and the wording you would use needs to distinguish if it is a reporting or conducting resource, and therefore how it has been used. Examples:

'this review/protocol was reported using . . . '

'the conducting of this review was guided by . . . '

A lot of these were designed for quantitative systematic reviews of interventions, however a number of resources now exist for different types of evidence synthesis reviews. Below are resources of some of the most commonly used guidelines.



The PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) statement consists of a 27-item checklist that covers the elements needed in the write up of a systematic review, and a flow diagram.

There is an article giving further explanation of every element of the checklist and a glossary of terms.

PRISMA also have guidance for reporting protocols, known as the  PRISMA-P extension.

There is also a checklist extension for Scoping Reviews called PRISMA-ScR, which is very similar to the Systematic Review checklist but with some key differences.

Also a more in-depth explanatory paper for this checklist as well.


The Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions needs to be followed if you were to publish a review or review protocol in the Cochrane Library of Systematic Reviews.

There are a set a reporting guidelines for both review protocols and full reviews.

Key aspects of the Cochrane handbook are collated as the Methodological Expectations for Cochrane Intervention Reviews – takes you through steps needed to conduct.

The Cochrane Handbook Chapter V also details methodology for conducting Overviews of Reviews.

The Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group have published a series of 6 papers covering qualitative evidence synthesis methods.


Other Guides

The JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis separates SRs out by types of evidence included, as well as having chapters on Mixed Methods Reviews, Scoping Reviews and Umbrella Reviews.

RAMSES reporting can be used for realist reviews and meta-narrative reviews.

The ENTREQ checklist can be used to report reviews of qualitative literature, alongside a fuller article explaining the development of the checklist.

Further reporting and conducting guidelines can be found on this useful page from the University of Illinois.

Booth, A. (2016). EVIDENT Guidance for reviewing the evidence: a compendium of methodological literature and websites.



A good literature review should:

  • Address a focused, explicit research question.
  • Take a systematic approach to the searching of the literature.
  • Document the search process so that it is replicable  by others  (often a requirement for publication within many academic journals)
  • Demonstrate that a wide range of sources have been searched.
  • Undertake a critical analysis of the retrieved literature, not merely describe what has been read.
  • Justify why particular items of literature are being referred to. They should summarise the current state of research,  perhaps debates that have taken place over a period of time within that topic or arguments for and against a particular aspect of the topic.
  • Relate the question to the larger body of knowledge within which your topic sits, and to put your work into context.
  • Summarise the current state of the research evidence.
  • Identify the gap in the literature that your research question is going to answer.


Common Mistakes

  • Review is too descriptive. No critiquing or critical evaluation of the evidence. No identification of strengths and weaknesses. It becomes an essay, not a review. It does not set the foundation for your own research process.
  • It becomes a dumping ground to write down everything you know about the topic  or is presented as a series of quotes from the papers you have read.
  • Not enough time has been allocated to searching and reviewing the literature. Do your literature reviewing early. It helps inform your final research question, future methodologies and identifies whether there is indeed a "gap" in the current research literature that your queston is going to answer.
  • Literature used is not from scholarly peer reviewed sources.
  • There is no documentation or explanation of how the search was undertaken and the key terms used. No explanation of inclusion/exclusion criteria.
  • Referencing does not follow the School guidelines. It is not consistent in style or presentation.
  • There has been no revision or proof reading. Thinking develops as you write. Go back over what you have written a few days after you have done it. Check grammar and language – give it to someone else to proof read.

Here are 5 top tips towards a stress free  literature review


"Referencing is the way that you can credit all the sources of information and ideas that you have used in any piece of academic work. In producing your assignments you should refer to published works (books, articles in journals, etc.) to increase your breadth of knowledge of the topic, and to help you develop lines of argument within the essay or assignment. It is important to refer to these sources within your written work to make clear that you have researched the subject thoroughly and that your arguments have substance/support"

This extract is taken from the guidelines drawn up by The School of Creative Industries, and you will find more information if you click on the link:

Guidelines for referencing practice and the use of Turnitin®UK

Reference management software

Reference management software is effectively a large online filing cabinet for storing references and matching PDFs.  They will save you a great deal of time and effort when you are writing a paper, dissertation or thesis, but they do require a reasonably good level of IT skills.

Automatically export database search results to your reference manager e.g. from LibrarySearch or journal article databases. As you write your assignment and need to include a reference, pull the reference into your document from the reference manager. It will create the in text citation and the end reference list for you, formatted in the bibliographic style of your choice.

Edinburgh Napier supports two reference managers    - Endnote and Mendeley . See our separate reference management Libguide.


Endnote Desktop   -  Download from the university software download service. Synchronise Desktop & Online versions together for use across multiple devices.

Endnote Online -    web based,  very basic version.

 Endnote  videos 


Mendeley - web based. Has a social networking element, allowing users to find and share references with others. Can set up a personal profile of your own publications.

Mendeley videos