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Business School Library


Welcome! In this section you will find information on Library resources that will help you as you progress through your studies of Marketing at Edinburgh Napier University. Here you will find information about our latest textbooks, relevant journals, and powerful databases that will assist you with your research.

Key databases for marketing


Aggregated academic journal database, with 1000's of full text titles available.  Covers all aspects of business and would be my first stop when looking for academic journal articles.


Database with over 7 million companies from the UK & Ireland.  Last 20 years account, where available, company reports, executive information.  Can also compare like companies by geographical location.


IBISWorld is a comprehensive industry and market research database which provides information and analysis on more than 700 industries within the UK only


Company information for global companies.  Like FAME you get financials, stock data, as well as industry overviews, bond data, some commodity information, government filings and country overviews.

Passport GMID

Access to market research reports covering lots of different consumer markets in lots of different countries.  Country reports available too, covering business environment, consumer analysis etc.  As well as this, some company information and all sorts of economic, demographic and consumer statistics are also available.

Marketing Resources

What are Journals?

Journals are an important part of your reading and evidence for assignments. This section explains what they are and when to use them. Journals are like magazines on a specific topic e.g Journal of Marketing or Journal of Interactive Marketingor Psychology & Marketing. Issues appear regularly (weekly, monthly or quarterly, for example) so the information they contain is more up to date.

Each issue will contain a number of articles or papers on very specific topics within that one subject. There are different types of journal article (reviews, research,case studies, opinions etc). There are also different types of journal. Peer-reviewed journal articles are evaluated and critiqued by researchers and experts in the field before being published. They are high-quality sources of up to date information. The research or evidence from these peer reviewed journals will allow you to grow your professional knowledge.

How do I find Journal Articles?

For a specific journal article make sure you are logged into LibrarySearch before searching with the title of the article, or the Digital Object Identifier (DOI). For more general searches the most effective way to find journal articles is to use the A-Z Databases. To find a database from the LibrarySearch homepage, click on 'Databases' at the top of the screen.

If you are looking to browse our collection of online journals, why not give BrowZine a try? BrowZine is a new service which brings together journal content from multiple publishers and presents it in a browsable, mobile-friendly format. 

It is available as an iOS/Android/Amazon app, as well as a web interface for laptop and desktop access. Browzine allows you to browse current and back issues of most of the Library’s scholarly journals. 


We organise our book using the Dewey Decimal Classification scheme. This means that you will find books on the same subject grouped together on the shelves.

While our Craiglockhart Library holds the most books related to this subject, please keep in mind that books can be held at any of our campus Libraries, including Sighthill or Merchiston.

Chartered Institute of Marketing : The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) support, develop and represent marketers, organisations and the profession all over the world.