The internet is everywhere and is something that you are used to using, information is, after all, everywhere. Being able to find, evaluate and then use resources in your coursework is essential if you are to be a successful student.
Now these are skills you already have, think how you search Google (or whatever you use) to find stuff on the internet. But is Google (for example) the best tool for you to use when searching for material to help with your assignments? This page may answer that question. When you do find information, how do you know it's any good? You evaluate information all the time, this time you have to think about evaluating things for academic use.
But once you have found the information you need, how do you use it? As you will find out, if you don't know already, you must properly reference and cite any information you use in your work as you need to acknowledge any sources you use, and also to avoid any question of plagiarism. This is something you will have to do in all your modules, culminating in your dissertation. Understand it early in your career and by the time you do that dissertation, it'll be a cinch!
A couple of short films to help you think about how to search for information and then, once you've found it, how to evaluate the information.
Here are a couple of nifty films made by librarians in the US & in Australia. I think they make great points!