Academic journal articles are great sources to use in your course work and dissertation. Where a text book will give you a general overview of theory, journal articles build on this, sometimes focussing on specific parts and putting them into context, perhaps using a case study. They debate topics and devlop academic arguments and can be seen as the "cutting edge" of the topic.
We have many databases that index and abstract and provide the full text of these types of articles. Here is a list of those that are of most relevance to business subjects.
ABI/Inform (aka Proquest) covers a wide subject area for business & management. Largely full text articles, with some abstracts.
Wiley Online Library is the online journal service formerly know as Blackwell Publishing, providing full-text access to around 655 journals in a wide range of subjects, including business.
Expanded Academic Full text of e-journals.
Taylor & Francis Online Selection of online academic journals from the publisher Taylor & Francis.
IngentaConnect Full text of electronic journals from leading publishers
Nexis UK is the database formerly known as Lexis Nexis Business. This is where to access newspapers from the UK and across the globe, as well as country information, company information, director information. There is also a large selection of journals and trade magazines to search through too.
Sage Journals Online Online journals from Sage Publishing
Science Direct Full text database with good business coverage
SpringerLink High quality academic journals from Springer Verlag.
Web of Science Citation database. Excellent for research.