Are Reading Lists just for books?
Definitely not! There are actually fifty-one different item types supported, including video, journal article, dataset, music score, transcript, technical report, map etc. Adding a mixture of different items will make your list more engaging, and encourage students to interact with a broader range of literature and learning resources.
How do I make my list accessible to students with a disability?
The best thing you can do is limit the number of items on your list. It is physically impossible for someone using a screen-reader to access a lengthy Reading List. Try to keep the number of items on your list to under one hundred. Make good use of sections to break up weeks, units, or topics, and add tags to indicate if reading list items are either essential or recommended reading. Including a variety of formats, such as links to Box of Broadcasts, YouTube videos, podcasts, and sound recordings can also help to make your lists more accessible.
How do I arrange for something to be scanned?
If you would like a journal article or book chapter to be scanned to make it available for students on the module via Leganto and/or Moodle please see further information and the request form on the Digital Extracts Service page on the staff intranet pages. Library staff will check with the CLA to see if the item can be digitised and take action from there.
Can I add a book not held by the Library to my Reading List?
Yes, Library staff can purchase stock based on your Reading List. The number of copies is often determined based on whether an item is tagged as either essential reading, or recommended reading. Please allow four weeks for us to order book stock from our approved suppliers.
Can I use Reading Lists for something other than teaching on a Module?
Of course! All Edinburgh Napier University staff and students have access to the Reading Lists platform. You can use it to create a tutor reading group, a journal club, or just to organise your own personal digital library of resources.
Can I reuse my Reading List for the same module next year?
Yes. The reading list tool embedded in your module will roll over when Moodle refreshes for the new academic year. We suggest it is good practice to review your reading list once a year, to check for new editions or make other changes to your list. If your module is cross listed (has an XL...code), please contact your subject librarian to deal with the rollover of the reading list.