Please note, if you intend to add resources which require University authentication e.g., journal articles the library subcribes to, please add these using the LibrarySearch option as using the Cite It! tool can sometimes result in broken links.
Watch the video below to see how to add the Cite it! tool to your bookmarks bar and add webpages directly to your reading list:
- Click on settings cog
- Select Cite it! from the menu

- Click then drag Cite it! button up to your Bookmarks Bar

- When you are on a webpage you'd like to add to a list, click on the Cite it! button in the Bookmaks Bar

- A window will open with the details of the website. Select Add to: Favourites or List
- Select the list you'd like to add it to from the list available or type the name in the Select or Search a reading list box.