How do I join the library as a staff member?
You will be automatically registered with the Library once you are on HR Connect. Your staff card card is also your Library card. Just ask library staff at the Help Desk if you have any questions.
I'd be happy to show you the resources available at Edinburgh Napier, including LibrarySearch, individual databases and the Edinburgh Napier Research Repository. Email me to make an appointment.
There's lots of information about the library and our services for new staff members on the Staff Intranet New Staff pages.
How do I request books to be purchased by the library?
When you complete a module descriptor you'll be asked to create an online reading list. If you'd like to request books for a module, wider reading or research, send me as many of the following details as you can:
How do I create a reading list?
You can create lists yourself or ask library staff to help you. There's a Reading Lists LibGuide with instructions on how to create a new list and add it to Moodle. Just ask if you have any questions.
I'm involved in research, how can the library help?
Go to the Researchers page in this guide for background information. There's also some useful information on the library's myNapier Postgraduate Research pages or Staff Intranet Research pages.
I'd be very happy to meet with you to discuss your research, offer advice on subject specific databases, planning a search, Open Access publishing and other related topics.
We offer a range of training and support throughout the year for staff and students. You can find details of workshops and drop-ins on the Training and Events Calendar.
I'm happy to run sessions for small groups of staff on specific topics. Previous examples include Leganto reading list support, introduction to Mendeley and O'Reilly ebooks and online platform.
Contact me to arrange a one to one or group training session and I'd also like to hear your ideas for future sessions.