Use this format if there is no other category that fits your source. A lot of online sources will categorised as a different type of source than a webpage, don't just presume everything on the internet is classed as a webpage.
When looking for the date check the bottom of the page for a last edited date. If no date can be found on the page use (n.d.) instead.
When using the title of the webpage and the URL ensure you use the details for the exact page you have used, not just the homepage of the overall website. If you use more than one page from the same website you need to reference them separately.
Author, N. (Year). Title of the specific webpage. Website Name.
Organisation. (Year). Title of the specific webpage.
Author, N. (Year, Month Day). Title of the news story/blog article. Website Name.
Webpage on a website with an individual author
Copeland, E. (2021, April 26). START launches new master’s degree program in security and terrorism studies. START.
Webpage on a website with a group author
World Health Organization. (2015). Biodiversity and health.
Webpage on a website with a group author and different website name
The Improvement Hub. (2021). Specialist dementia units. Healthcare Improvement Scotland.
Webpage on a news or blog website
Ries, J. (2021, August 12). What to do if you're fully vaccinated but still anxious about Covid. Huffpost.
Webpage on a website that needs a retrieval date - you need to include a retrieval date for webpages where the information is designed to regularly update eg. data dashboards.
Public Health Scotland. (2021, August 13). COVID-19 in Scotland: Daily update. Retrieved August 13, 2021, from
Entry on the British National Formulary (BNF) website
Joint Formulary Committee. (2022). Paracetamol. In British national formulary. Retrieved April 21, 2022, from
Entry on the Monthly Index of Medical Specialties (MIMS) website
MIMS. (2022). Paracetamol. In MIMS online. Retrieved April 21, 2022, from
Online reports are often a pdf or other downloadable document and will have PDF in the URL to help you distinguish this.
When using government reports make sure you check if a specific government department is mentioned as producing the report and use the department name as the author.
Author, N. (Year). Title of the report. Publisher Name.
Organisation. (Year). Title of the report.
Report with individual authors
Basl, J., Sandler, S., & Tiell, S. (2021). Getting from commitment to content in AI and data ethics: Justice and explainability. Atlantic Council.
Report with an organisational author with the same publisher
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. (2017). Agency financial report: Fiscal year 2017.
Report with an organisational author with a different publisher
National Cancer Institute. (2018). Facing forward: Life after cancer treatment (NIH Publication No. 18-2424). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health.
A government report
Scottish Government. (2020, June 18). Highlands and Islands Enterprise: financial management review of Cairngorm Mountain.
A guideline with a reference number
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. (2020). Supporting adult carers (NICE Guideline NG150).
Market research reports are usually written by companies that specialise in this area. In some cases an author is attributed to the report, however in other cases the author is the company itself.
Author, N. (Year). Title of the report. Publisher Name.
Organisation. (Year). Title of the report.
Report with individual author(s)
Burgess, T. (2021). Universities in the UK. IBIS World. https://my-ibisworld-com.
Report with an organisational author with the same publisher
Euromonitor International. (2021). Dog food in the United Kingdom.
Note; because you have to login to our databases to access any content, you only need to provide the web address for the login page.
Organisation. (Year). Title of the report.
FAME. (2020). Heart of Midlothian PLC annual report and financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2020.
Note; because you have to login to our databases to access any content, you only need to provide the web address for the login page.