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Health and Social Care

Library subject guide for nursing, midwifery, AHPs, health and social care

NHS Scotland Knowledge Network

Screenshot of the homepage of the NHS Scotland Knowledge Network

The NHS Scotland Knowledge Network is the national online library and knowledge management platform for health and social care staff within NHS Scotland. It is run by the NHS for the NHS. All staff and students of the School of Health and Social Care at Edinburgh Napier who are teaching or training with NHS Scotland are entitled to register for, and use, this service.

It provides access to BMJ Best Practice and a range of other databases, online journals and books . It also has access to a range of  NHS professional subject based portals - great places for students to get the most up to date NHS Scotland documents and policy in their professional  area. Many of the resources are free,  but to get the best out of the service, please register via the home page using the Register button.  On registration, NHS Scotland will issue Edinburgh Napier SHSC staff/students with an NHS Scotland Athens username and password that they can use to access the whole site.
If you are already employed by NHS Scotland you can use your staff login details to use the Knowledge Network and do not need to register separately.

Try the Using NHS Scotland Digital Library guide for more support in using the Knowledge Network. They also have their own guides on literature searching.

Forgotten your NHS Athens username and password?   Contact NHS Scotland.

Leadership, Management and Quality Improvement

NHS Scotland resources supporting leadership, management and quality improvement


Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Publishers of the latest NHS Scotland QI policy documents;  clinical guidelines, care standards,  evidence based advice statements and care facility inspection reports. To locate the latest NHS Scotland QI policy documents  :  Resources tab > filter using Resources = "Policy & Strategy"  and Year = 2017 + 2018.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland.  Improvement Hub  (iHUB)

Supporting  health and social care organisations to redesign and continuously improve health and social care services. Current projects being carried out.

NHS Education For Scotland. TURAS Learn.  Quality Improvement Hub

NHS Scotland resource highlighting information & resources on the improvement journey, -  quality improvement tools,  guides and frameworks.

NHS Lothian. Lothian Quality

Quality improvement programmes running in NHS Lothian. Look at their  past QI projects (MH), QI Poster Library and clinical change forum ideas.

NHS Education For Scotland. Leadership and Management Portal

Range of development resources about leadership and management.

Good Practice.Net

Learning resources for practicing managers and leaders in scottish health & social care. Requires an NHS Scotland login to access.

Scottish Social Services Council. Steps into Leadership

Leadership resources for social services staff