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Google Scholar

Citation information and public profiles

Google Scholar covers a broad range of types of materials and gives you options for keeping track of your personal citations yourself.

You can use Google Scholar to check who is citing your online publications and make a public profile, so others searching Google Scholar can see the publication profile you have curated when they search on your name. 
For those who are less well served by traditional citation databases, this can be an excellent way to raise your profile online.

Examples: Edinburgh Napier University Staff Profiles

Image of Albert Einstein's research profile on Google Scholar

Be aware that Google Scholar does not index all scholarly articles. Google has arrangements with a number of publishers, but it does not include all publisher content. For access to subscription articles, see Google Scholar for how to set up linking to Edinburgh Napier University Library resources or check LibrarySearch.


Google Scholar Citations Set up your own profile, explore citations and FAQs.

Publish or Perish (PoP) Downloadable software providing analysis of Google Scholar Citation data.

Publish or Perish User Manual: A 2-minute introduction and how to do author and journal impact analysis.

The Publish or Perish Book: Your Guide to Effective and Responsible Citation Analysis 
Anne-Wil Harzing (2013).