Google Scholar is a search tool that indexes the content of scholarly material published on the internet including electronic books and journals.
Does it cover everything?
No, Google Scholar has arranged with some publishers to allow Google to index the content of that publisher's books and journals.
Much scholarly literature is still only available through the various databases, e-books and e-journals purchased by the Library. Use Edinburgh Napier's LibrarySearch to perform a comprehensive literature search for your study or research.
As you are searching Google Scholar, you may be asked to pay for the full text of articles - including resources that Edinburgh Napier University already subscribes to and you can use for free. To avoid this, set your preferences on your computer to show links to Edinburgh Napier University resources.
1. On the Google Scholar home page - Click on the three lines at the top left to find Settings.
2. Under Settings, Select Library Links, search for and choose Edinburgh Napier University, then click Save.
3. ViewIt@EdinburghNapier links will now be visible in your Scholar search results.
4. If you want to keep the same search settings on any computer or mobile device, you also have the option of signing in to a Google account. See Google help.