Who is likely to own the copyright?
How long does copyright last?
Some sectors of activity have set up organisations to promote and protect the copyrights of their members, and to collect royalties. These are often the best places to begin an enquiry about copyright permissions.
If you want to re-use content from the internet, you need to be very sure about what you are allowed to do with it. Sometimes it is hard to be sure what is OK.
If you are creating material yourself to publish on the internet, you will automatically be protected by standard copyright law. However, you may want to permit other people to use your material freely, you may want to permit certain uses but restrict others. or you may just want to be acknowledged for your work.
Creative Commons.org aims to help you share your knowledge and creativity with the world. It's also a great way to find material you can use freely yourself.
The box below shows the CC symbols that are combined in the licenses.
Attribution BY
Non-Commercial NC
No Derivatives ND
Share Alike SA
Free Cultural Works
Not Free Cultural Works
No rights reserved CC0